Image Gallery

4D ultrasound images can be obtained at any stage. However, we do recommend a gestational age of 26-34 weeks for the best facial detail. At this stage, there is more fat on the baby’s face, yet still enough fluid to get great images. These pictures demonstrate the difference a few weeks of growth can make.

Click here to view an actual 4D ultrasound video clip!

Click here to view an actual HDlive ultrasound video clip!

The following images are from actual 3D/4D ultrasound sessions. You will enjoy the same view of your little one and even see full motion video of your unborn baby. Yawns, stretches, and even smiles are often captured in our 3D & 4D ultrasounds, and we look forward to sharing this incredible miracle with you as well!

Please Note: Every baby scans differently, depending on its gestational age, position, amount of fluid, and mother’s condition. We promise to make every effort to obtain the best possible images of whatever parts of the baby that can be seen.